Some of my former Michigan cans
Looking back, I can't believe I spent so many hours and hours on MBC content but can find so few images of my own collection, and the dates when these pictures were taken are just a guess. While many of these cans are photographed individually in the MBC content, and I do have exact records of which and when for most cans, I would really like to have taken more pictures of them together...

Definitely some of my favorites (really loved the Goebel Guinness).
Pretty sure these were taken Summer of 2007

Only pictures I can find of the collection mostly together. These must be from around spring of 2005 since they don't have the sweet Goebel "Goebel" I got from Dan Baker, major upgrades to almost all my gold/red Goebel cans, second Fox Deluxe cone, a Goebel OD, etc... Damn, didn't realize I never photographed them all together!

This must be early 2004 since the collection still mostly fits in the glass enclosed shelf unit, and definitely before the Detroit canvention since it is missing that red and white can with the "long A". Sometime later that year I built shelving for maybe another 300-350 cans, and with the Strohs variations and aluminum I easily filled everything in the next couple of years.